Modular lambda function

In mathematics, the elliptic modular lambda function  \lambda(\tau) is a highly symmetric holomorphic function on the complex upper half-plane. It is invariant under the fractional linear action of the congruence group \Gamma(2), and generates the function field of the corresponding quotient, i.e., it is a Hauptmodul for the modular curve X(2). Over any point \tau, its value can be described as a cross ratio of the branch points of a ramified double cover of the projective line by the elliptic curve \mathbb{C}/\langle 1, \tau \rangle, where the map is defined as the quotient by the [-1] involution.

The q-expansion is given by:

 \lambda(\tau) = 16q^{1/2} - 128q %2B 704 q^{3/2} - 3072q^2 %2B 11488q^{5/2} - 38400q^3 %2B \dots.

By symmetrizing the lambda function under the canonical action of the symmetric group S_3 on X(2), and then normalizing suitably, one obtains a function on the upper half-plane that is invariant under the full modular group SL_2(\mathbb{Z}), and it is in fact Klein's modular j-invariant.

Other appearances

It is the square of the Jacobi modulus, i.e.,  \lambda(\tau) = k^2 (\tau). \, .

The function \frac{16}{\lambda(2\tau)} - 8 is the normalized Hauptmodul for the group \Gamma_0(4), and its q-expansion q^{-1} %2B 20q - 62q^3 %2B \dots is the graded character of any element in conjugacy class 4C of the monster group acting on the monster vertex algebra.


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